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Miscellaneous Drugs

Salicylic Acid

Outline of the section: Read more about how use / poisoning of Salicylic acid and other drugs is shown in the iris.

Signs in the Iris:

Salicylic acid shows in the iris as a whitish grey cloud or veil, spreading unevenly over the outer margin of the iris, being more pronounced in the upper region. It resembles a whitewash and if abundant, tends to efface the peripheral border of the iris like glycerin. It is frequently associated with the sodium ring. (Color plate, figs. a and f, page 116.)

The drug has a corroding effect upon the membranous linings of the digestive organs. The continued use of it leaves these structures in an atrophic condition, which results in malassimilation, malnutrition and defective elimination. These conditions show in the iris by a darkening and gradual browning or blackening of the areas of the stomach and intestines. People thus affected suffer from the worst forms of wasting diseases.

Allopathic Uses:

1. Antiseptic surgical dressings.

2. For softening and removing horny skin growths.

3. Perspiring feet and night sweats.

4. Gastric and intestinal fermentation and decomposition.

5. Popular antipyretic but requires larger doses than antipyrin.

6. Chronic cystitis associated with foul alkaline urine and phosphatic deposits.

7. "Specific" against acute inflammatory rheumatism (used in form of salicylate of sodium or lithium; of late administered hypodermically to avoid gastro-intestinal irritation). "Administer large doses until ringing in the ears indicates physiological saturation. Discontinue until this symptom subsides, then repeat."

Accidental Poisoning:

1. Pood and drink preservatives (1 percent checks enzyme action).

2. Oil of wintergreen, gaultheria and sweet birch.

3. Aspirin, novaspirin and other "cold remedies": Salol. Salophen. Salipyrin.


The "specific" action of sodium salicylate against acute inflammatory rheumatism is ascribed to the following factors:

1. "It reduces the painful swelling and inflammation" (by suppressing oxidization like all coal tar products).

2. "It acts as a germicide against possible rheumatism micro organisms" (subsequently causes renal irritation).

3. "It increases the output of such nitrogenous wastes as urea, uric acid, urates, etc." (by creating new nitrogenous wastes through irritation, and not by facilitating the elimination of already existing waste acids through the neutralizing action of sodium, which shows in the iris as a "sodium ring").

Symptoms of Chronic Poisoning:

In addition to the symptoms produced by the other coal tar products, salicylic acid also gives rise to:

1. Dullness of hearing. Dimness of vision.

2. Nausea. Diarrhea alternating with constipation.

Elimination of the Drug in Healing Crises:

1. Severe indigestion--cramps in stomach and bowels, nausea and vomiting.

2. Acne form and pustular skin eruption.

3. Acute catarrhal elimination.

(Color plate. Fig. a, Page 116)

An alkaloid prepared from nux vomica, a white, crystalline, odorless powder of intensely bitter taste.

Allopathic uses: A cardiac and general nervine tonic.

Acute symptoms: Tetanic convulsions; eyeballs prominent, pupils dilated, respiration impeded, pulse feeble and rapid.

Symptoms of chronic strychnin poisoning: Weakness of the heart; sluggish circulation, low blood pressure, various forms of paralysis; indigestion; spastic contraction in the pit of the stomach.

Sign in the Iris: The sign of strychnin is very readily discerned in the iris. It shows as a white wheel of perfect proportions around the pupil in the region of the stomach, indicating that the poison has a special affinity for this organ. On closer inspection it will be seen that this wheel is made up of fine white lines or spokes radiating from the pupil.

With the strychnin sign in the iris we find associated an atonic or atrophic condition of the stomach : hypo-acidity, indigestion, fermentation and gas formation. Like all powerful stimulants, the first tonic effects of the drug on the digestive organs and the heart are followed gradually by weakness and progressive atrophy and paralysis. As a stomachic the drug is given in the form of nux vomica. It is one of the favorite heart stimulants of the old school of medicine.

(Color plate, Fig. f, Page 116)

Sign in the Iris:

Phosphorus shows in the iris in whitish, greyish and faded yellow flakes and clouds in the areas of stomach, intestines, brain and limbs. (Color plate, f, in lungs and throat.) It was used in allopathic prescriptions more extensively in former years. I have frequently found the sign of phosphorus in people who had been treated with the drug for mumps, for nervous and mental troubles and for sexual weakness. These patients suffered from severe chronic headaches, neuro-muscular pains, variously diagnosed as neuritis, multiple neuritis and chronic rheumatism. They also suffered from stubborn chronic indigestion. During the first year after absorption of the drug, the patients suffer with chronic diarrhea, which gradually changes into stubborn constipation.

I have frequently seen the sign of phosphorus in the eyes of people who became poisoned with phosphorus in match factories and in chemical laboratories. Next to mercury it is the worst form of vocational poisoning.

Allopathic Uses:

1. Rickets, osteomalacia, ununited fractures.

2. Nervous disorders, like neuralgia, mania, melancholia, sexual exhaustion, etc.

3. Chronic pulmonary diseases.

4. Some skin diseases such as psoriasis, lupus, etc.

Accidental Poisoning:

1. Workmen handling white phosphorus.

2. Vermin poisons, matches, etc.


Circulates mostly in unchanged form but is partly oxidized at the expense of hemoglobin into phosphoric and phosphorous acid.

Symptoms of "Lucifer Disease" are the following:

1. Ulceration of gums and necrosis of jaws starting as carious teeth.

2. General weakness due to fatty degeneration of all tissues.

3. Hectic fever. Anemia. Purpura.

4. Gastro-intestinal irritation; diarrhea; tenderness over liver.

5. Various forms of paralysis.

6. Death from general nerve exhaustion.

Elimination of Drug in Healing Crises:

1. Deep reaching ulcers, chiefly in month.

2. Itchy eruptions on skin.

3. Hemorrhagic form of jaundice resembling scurvy.

4. Intestinal tract, diarrheas.

(Color plate, Fig. d, Page 116)

It shows in the form of dense, grey clouds, mostly in the areas of the kidneys, sexual organs and bladder.

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