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A Uniform Division and Classification of Disease

Outline of the section: Is there a normal color of the iris, and if so, what is it, and what influences will change it and produce abnormal color effects? You can find out the answer here.

Students of iridology frequently complain that this interesting science has not been sufficiently systematized for purposes of intelligent study. In order to overcome this difficulty and to facilitate the study, I have divided the successive stages in the development of diseases into four well defined "stages of encumbrance."

Such a uniform division and classification of disease conditions and of the corresponding records in the iris, once established, will greatly facilitate the study of Natural Therapeutics and of the diagnosis from the iris. It will also serve to establish a well defined phraseology intelligent to the layman and especially valuable to students and practitioners.

The Four Stages of Encumbrance

We distinguish in the development of chronic diseases the following four distinct stages of encumbrance:

First, hereditary and congenital stage;

Second, or acute and subacute inflammatory stage;

Third, or chronic stage;

Fourth, or chronic destructive stage, accompanied by loss of substance.

All chronic diseases (not caused by violence or conditions uncongenial to human life) that end fatally, pass through these four successive stages of encumbrance.

Chronic disease never develops suddenly in the human body. Nature always tries to prevent its gradual development by acute and subacute healing efforts. If these, by any means whatever, are checked and suppressed, then they are followed either by fatal complications or chronic after effects, the mysterious "sequelae" of medical science. Thus we find that the unity of disease as to causes and manifestations, applies to chronic as well as to acute diseases.

First, Hereditary and Congenital Stage of Disease

Iridiagnosis settles forever in the affirmative the question as to whether or not tendencies to disease are hereditary.

Inherited tendencies are recorded in the iris of the eye in three ways, by color, density and hereditary lesions.

(1) The color of the iris indicates whether the vital fluids and tissues are pure and normal or affected by disease taints and foreign substances.

(2) The density, that is, the woof or grain of the structures composing the iris, gives us information about the firmness, vitality and general tone of the tissues of the body.

(3) Hereditary and congenital lesions in the form of shady, grey, usually ovoid or spindle form spots in the iris of the offspring indicate weakness or disease in corresponding organs or parts of the bodies of the parents.

For instance, if the lungs of the mother were affected by tuberculosis during pregnancy this may show in the iris of the child in the form of grey or shady signs or lesions in the areas of the lungs. I say, may show, because heredity is subject to many modifying influences. This we shall study more fully in the fourth volume of this series, entitled "Eugenics, or Man-Building on the Physical, Mental and Moral Planes of Being."

Under natural management certain organs or entire bodies, no matter how badly affected by abnormal heredity, may outgrow entirely the tendency to weakness and disease.

This is the message of great promise of Natural Therapeutics to those who fear to assume the responsibility of parenthood on account of weakness and ill health; provided, of course, that the parents properly prepare themselves, and that the offspring be treated prenatally and postnatally in accordance with the teachings of Natural Eugenics.

Color of the Iris

First let us consider the color of the iris. The question arises, is there a normal color of the iris, and if so, what is it, and what influences will change it and produce abnormal color effects?

The answer to this is as follows: There are two normal colors of the iris,--light brown and light blue. These are subject to change through various hereditary and acquired influences. In the previous chapter I have explained how the anatomical structure of the various layers of the iris accounts for the blue and brown color effects.

The influence of race heredity on the color of the hair and eyes is an intensely interesting subject, but I cannot discuss it in the confines of this volume. It will be treated more fully in the fourth volume of this series.

Concerning the subject of racial color I call attention here to only a few interesting facts. There really is no black color of the eyes. As before stated, brown and blue in various shades of lightness and darkness are the only two normal colors of the iris, and these were originally determined by race heredity.

According to esoteric history five great root races have come into existence so far on this planet. The third of these was the Lemurian root race which inhabited the continent of Lemuria or Pan, which occupied a large area of what is now the Pacific Ocean. The similarity of geological formations, flora, fauna, and of ethnological characteristics observed on the many thousands of islands in the Pacific Ocean which are supposed to have been the mountain peaks of ancient Lemuria, offer strong evidence in favor of the existence of such a continent. The remarkable ruins on the Island of Madagascar, built of immense blocks of stone, are remains of the gigantic architecture of the Lemurian giants, who were probably the prototype of the Cyclopes of Greek mythology.

The fourth or Atlautean root race is the first one about which we possess authentic knowledge. Its early sub-races were the yellow--Chinese and Mongolian--the black skinned African, and the red and copper colored Atlantean or Turanian branches. All these offshoots of the fourth or Atlantean root race were brown eyed and black haired.

The fifth or Aryan root race developed from the latest and most perfect offshoots of the Atlantean race. The first three offshoots of the great Aryan race--the Hindoo, Arabian and Iranian or Persian subraces--underwent a gradual change from the copper color of the latest Atlantean races to the dusky brunette of the most highly developed products of the Hindoo, Arabian, Persian, Chaldean and Semitic types.

The last two subraces of the Aryan root race, the Keltic and Indo-Caucasian branches, completed the transition from the Asiatic brunette to the blonde type of the Keltic and Indo-Caucasian branches. The fourth or Keltic sub-race emigrated southwestward from the cradle of the Aryan race in what is now eastern Siberia, conquered the countries around the Mediterranean, and founded the ancient Greek, Latin and Iberian civilizations. From Spain Iberian tribes emigrated into Ireland and Great Britain.

The last or fifth subrace of the Aryan root race took its course along the northern slopes of the Caucasus and tarried there for many thousands of years before it resumed its westward course into what is now called the continent of Europe. The offshoots of this subrace were the Germanic, Gallic, Gaelic, Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian tribes, whose outstanding racial characteristics were tall stature, egg-shaped skull, fair skin, yellow hair and azure blue iris.

Mongrelization, the Principal Cause of Change
in Racial Characteristics

If the founders of the Persian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Grecian, Roman and Iberian civilizations were of Aryan descent, why is it that their descendants have lost the ancient Aryan racial characteristics as regards physical and, to a certain extent, intellectual and moral traits? The answer to this is that in these countries there are left today few, if any, remnants of pure Aryan stock. Aryan blood and with it Aryan characteristics of body, mind and soul, have been adulterated and obliterated through mixing with fourth race peoples or with mongrelized descendants of earlier Aryan races.

Mongrelization, only, is the true key to the deterioration and degeneration of races and nations. There is not one exception in the history of mankind in the rise, decline and fall of nations and empires from the smallest and earliest to the latest and greatest. It is not so much the influence of climate, surroundings or any other local conditions that has changed the perfect contour of the Aryan skull or his physical characteristics and intellectual and moral standards into the lower, degenerate types of today. The principal agency in this process of deterioration and degeneration has been, and is now, the co-mingling of Aryan blood with that of older and inferior races and subraces. Nature everywhere places her mark of disapproval upon the hybrid, half-breed and mongrel.

This is true in the animal kingdom, as well as in the human. Darwin and all other students of flora, fauna and of the human species concur in the testimony that the hybrid and the mongrel are doomed to deterioration and extinction in nature unless they are gradually absorbed by a higher race and that the higher race can absorb them with impunity only by slow and gradual inbreeding.

The mule, the offspring of the horse and donkey, may seem strong and vigorous, but he cannot propagate his kind. The mongrelization of domestic animals is no proof of failure of the law which ordains purity of the species to insure normal development and improvement. The artificially bred hybrids and mongrels among our domestic animals would become extinct within a short time if deprived of the fostering care of man. These artificial products of man's breeding and training are not stable types. All the so called high-bred animals will quickly revert to the common level if not interfered with by man.

It is only by the enforcement of racial purity that Nature can develop and improve her genera, species and families in certain well-defined directions. If she approved of and allowed promiscuous intercourse and fertilization among various species and races, specialization and constant improvement as we witness it in the development of genera, species, races and subraces of animals and men would be an impossibility. All would be a wild and chaotic jumble of nondescripts and monstrosities.

As before stated, this interesting subject of racial descent will be fully discussed in "Eugenics," the fourth volume of this series.


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